Our Services
The doctors at Wentzville Chiropractic work as a closely integrated group practice to better meet our patients' needs. Our providers coordinate each patient's care together to maintain a level of detail and consistency that our patients have come to appreciate. In this way, our patients benefit from a broader variety of techniques and expertise.
Chiropractic is an art, a science, and a philosophy of natural health care. For over a century, doctors of chiropractic have successfully helped millions of individuals recover from spine-related health problems. As a result, chiropractic has earned its place as the largest drugless and non-surgical health care profession in the United States. Chiropractic specializes in the restoration and normalization of body posture and joint motion. Minor and major traumas, stresses, and strains have cumulative effects on our bodies over time. Gradually, these stresses cause stiffness, pain, and loss of motion. Many people think this is just a normal part of getting older, but it's not. Left unchecked, these changes lead to joint inflammation, arthritis, chronic muscle pain, or other more serious problems.
For your body to function properly, your nerves must function properly, without interference from restricted joints, muscle spasms, or weakness. When your brain senses that a particular joint is not moving properly, either from strain or injury, it causes the muscles surrounding that joint to spasm so that the nerves around that joint are not injured any further. This is what can cause the exquisite pain of a "pinched nerve". By restoring normal motion to the joint, the brain is stimulated to relax its hold over the muscles, and you have relief from the pain.
Your body has an almost infinite capacity to heal itself. However, when the signals from the brain to the rest of the body are compromised by nerve interference, the body's normal repair mechanisms go awry, and chronic pain and failure to heal properly can result.
The therapists at WCAC are an extremely talented and skilled group of licensed massage therapists. They work in conjunction with the doctors so that each patient's therapy is maximized for pain relief and rehabilitation. They have years of training in advanced techniques and are highly dedicated to the wellbeing of the patient.
Massage has been a valuable therapy for thousands of years. Ancient Greeks used massage as medicine, as did the ancient Chinese and Indians. Where does that leave Western Medicine? Finally catching on after all these years!
With research, more and more positive health benefits can be attributed to massage therapy, and its popularity is growing every year. This time-tested remedy works by freeing trapped metabolic waste from muscles and connective tissue. Even if you exercise, eat right, and drink plenty of fluids, your body will not always eliminate toxins from your body. Toxins can also include caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, medications and lactic acid from muscle waste. Whatever chemicals the body comes across and doesn't use, it very often stores---whether it is good for you or not.
Besides ridding the body of waste, massage also increases the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body. Massage can help lower blood pressure, relieve pain and stiffness in joints, reduce muscle aches, break down surgical adhesions, and speed up healing throughout the body. It also helps you feel wonderful by increasing the hormone serotonin in your body.
Who can be helped by massage? Expectant and new mothers find massage not only wonderfully relaxing, but very helpful in ridding the body of retained fluids and easing cramped muscles of the back and legs. Seniors often find that what they thought was arthritis pain is reduced by gently working the stiffness out of muscles and joints. For the more athletically inclined, massage can work out last season's sprains and strains so you can start this season off fresh. For gardeners and do-it-yourselfers, the sudden increase in muscle use can leave you sore and achy for weeks. It's much easier to get the muscle soreness worked out so you can tackle the next project. From cranky babies to insomniacs, from stressed out office workers to tendonitis in construction workers, massage can help them all.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy delivers specific red and near-infrared wavelengths of laser light to induce a therapeutic effect within the body. Laser therapy has been used in Europe since the 1970s and was cleared by the FDA in 2002. Class IV laser therapy is proven to stimulate tissue repair and growth and can accelerate the body's healing process by decreasing inflammation and pain.
During treatment, laser energy increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen, and nutrients to the damaged area. This creates an optimal healing environment that can reduce inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness, and pain.
Our office utilizes a Class IV Summus laser for a broad range of conditions, including carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, and many, many more. For more detailed information about our laser and its potential benefits for you, please visit the Summus Laser Patient page.
The Thompson Technique is another method of adjustment that involves analyzing the length of the legs. This technique uses a “drop table” for adjustment, where a gentle thrust is applied to the joints, which in turn, sets the drop piece into motion and targets the specific joint or tissue. After completing a leg check analysis, your chiropractor will determine the type of misalignment – cervical, pelvic, etc,- and then adjusts the legs using a combination of multiple thrusts on various joints.
This is the chiropractic technique developed by D.D. Palmer, DC, and serves as the cornerstone of the manipulation/ adjustment procedures taught at chiropractic schools. In this technique, the chiropractor uses manual adjustments to treat subluxations of the spine and joints. It involves high-velocity and low-amplitude thrusts which are often accompanied by a 'clicking' or 'popping' sound (cavitation). Some clients may find this 'popping' or 'clicking' a little un-nerving. This technique is popularly used in the adjustments of the extremity joints, and also in the treatment of sport injuries.
Acupuncture is a science, art and philosophy of healing developed by the Chinese over 4,000 years ago. It was discovered by trial and error and passed down from teacher to student over countless generations and slowly refined and improved.
Acupuncture uses the electromagnetic fields of the human body to create change. In contrast to many other therapies, acupuncture never forces change, but rather induces the tissues and organs to function at a normal level---neither too high or too low, just average. The electromagnetic energy flow of the body was seen by the Chinese to travel through channels, or meridians, which travel up and down the body and intertwine and cross over at specific intervals. At specific areas of the body, the energy that travels through the meridians is closer to the surface and is more easily accessed. These areas are called acupuncture points, and very often will be tender when touched when there is a problem along the path of the meridian. By knowing the pathways and crossing points, the Chinese discovered many ways to better channel the energy during illness to restore health to the patient. Because of the interconnecting nature of the meridians, the Chinese always looked at the whole body in terms of illness, and frequently used points far away from the pain to treat the problem.
Diagnosis in Chinese medicine involves talking to the patient about their problem, looking at their tongue, pulse, skin tone, etc. and forming a picture of their overall health. From this exam the acupuncturist can decipher what meridians are out of balance and decide a treatment plan. Treatment can involve the insertion of disposable, sterile needles along the path of the meridians, or the treatment can be done electrically without needles. Acupuncture can also be done electrically in the ear for many conditions. Afterwards, many people feel a sense of relief, or an absence of pressure. Sometimes, the results are very subtle, and sometimes very obvious to the patient, depending on the balance of the body. For those struggling with their health, it is another way of looking at their body's needs and wants and a way to decipher their personal health care puzzle.
The craniosacral system is based on the knowledge that:
- The bones of the skull are movable, flexible, and adjustable.
- The fluctuation of the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid can be felt and measured.
- Restrictions in this natural rhythm can be corrected by gentle manipulation.
- Restoring normal craniosacral rhythm enables the body to function optimally.
- Restoring optimum body function may alleviate a wide variety of painful and dysfunctional conditions within the body.
What It Does for You ...
The case histories from craniosacral therapy are extensive. The therapy corrects lesions in the craniosacral system and generally improves the body's health and resilience. It was also observed that positive to dramatic benefits were seen in cases of headaches, learning disabilities, dyslexia, scoliosis, infantile disorders, chronic fatigue, motor coordination impairments, emotional difficulties, chronic neck and back pain, TMJ syndrome, stress and tension related problems, and other disorders. Craniosacral therapy, is however, not a specific treatment for a medical condition but a general method for improving the health and resilience of the human body.
Most patients experience a profound sense of relaxation and peace. Most fall asleep or go into an altered space at some point during the session. Some patients may experience a Somatoemotional Release if it is the agreed intent of both the physician and patient.
A Really Neat Thing ...
According to Dr. Upledger, founder of the craniosacral technique, this technique is performed with 80% intent and 20% direct physical contact. In other words, craniosacral technique embraces the use of the mind as a direct mode of healing. Despite this somewhat esoteric sounding description, all aspects of the diagnosis and treatment procedure can be felt as physical phenomenon. That is, feeling the movement of the cranium and other body parts tells the practitioner what to treat, when the correction was made, and how well.
CST is effective for all ages and it has been used to relieve:
Migraines and Headaches, Chronic Neck and Back pain, Stress and Tension-related disorders, Childhood disorders, Brain and Spinal Cord injuries, Orthopedic Problems, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, TMJ Syndrome, Leaning Disabilities, ADD/ADHA, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
If you’re suffering from back, neck or leg pain, your chiropractor may use a number of different techniques to locate the root cause and release tension or pressure in the affected area. The Cox Flexion Distraction Technique, also known as the Cox Technique, is a non-surgical spinal manipulation adjustment technique that helps to stop pain immediately by realigning the spine. This technique also restores range of motion in the joints and muscles, thereby increasing flexibility and improving your posture.
How Cox Flexion Distraction Works:
The Cox Technique is designed to be a safe, nearly-painless alternative to back surgery, and is commonly used in patients who are still suffering from back pain after extensive surgery, or are in the rehabilitation phase and want to improve their recovery results. The technique is designed to realign the spine by applying pressure in key areas of the back; the chiropractor effectively decompresses the discs by applying a gentle stretch to the lower spine, and a series of repetitive movements and thrusts to reduce pressure. The Flexion-Distraction technique is typically performed on a special table that helps to separate the thoracic, cervical and lumbar spinal joints. Only slight pressure is applied to the body throughout the process, and the goal is decrease pressure and decompress the inflamed areas around the spine to restore nerve functioning. Results are sometimes instantaneous, and researchers report that it takes an average of 29 days for most people to see significant results. Most people need at least 12 visits to obtain optimal results, but results vary significantly by patient and condition. Key Benefits of the Cox Flexion Distraction Technique The Cox Flexion Distraction Technique is most appropriate for resolving mid and lower back pain, hip pain, neck and shoulder pain, and reducing the effects of whiplash. Other key benefits of this treatment include:
1. Improved range of motion in the feet, toes, shoulders and arms
2. Reduction of headaches or migraines
3. Improved posture after only a few treatments
4. May be covered by some insurance plans
5. Brief, painless treatments; may be suitable for people who cannot tolerate pain
6. Restores vertebral joints for better functioning
7. Increases circulation and improves nerve communications
8. Reduces pregnancy back pain
9. Affects subluxation of the spine
10. May be used to treat neurological diseases including cerebral palsy, stroke and multiple sclerosis Overall, the Cox Flexion Distraction Technique is used to decompress the spinal column and adjust poorly functioning vertebrae. It is most effective for reducing the effects of degenerative disc diseases and lumbar, cervical and thoracic disc herniations, and offers several benefits for people who do not want to undergo surgery to get rid of back pain.
The Graston Technique incorporates a patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively detect and treat scar tissue and restrictions that affect normal functions.
The Graston Technique instruments are used to enhance the clinician's ability to detect adhesions, scar tissue or restrictions in the affected areas. Skilled clinicians use the stainless steel instruments to comb over and "catch" on fibrotic tissue, which immediately identifies the areas of restriction. Once the tissue has been identified, the instruments are used to break up the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body.
The first thing that most parents feel when they think of chiropractic for babies is fear: "Can that be dangerous for my baby?" parents ask. What many parents forget is the degree of force and trauma that is often used during the birth process. Some studies suggest anywhere from 30-90 pounds of pressure can be used in a normal birth, and vacuum extraction and forceps can add additional stress. In comparison to the light contact adjustments used by most chiropractors who care for newborns, chiropractic care clearly appears to be much gentler. The chiropractic adjustment that most people think of with the twisting and popping is not the same adjustment that is used with newborns and infants. In fact, the amount of pressure used is comparable to the amount of pressure you could press on your closed eyelid without any discomfort.
Chiropractors are specifically trained in the detection and reduction of the effects of (VSC) Vertebral Subluxation Complex. This is a specialty that requires specific training in the analysis and adjustment of the spine. You bring your children to a dentist to check their teeth, an optometrist to check their eyes and a chiropractor to check their spine. Just as it is wise to see a dentist to check and keep your teeth healthy -- not neglect them until you have pain, it is wise to have your spine checked while it is healthy -- not wait until there are symptoms to which you must react.
Extremity Adjusting is an adjustment or manipulation used to correct joint fixations anywhere in the body other than the spine. Joints can become misaligned and cause pain in the same manner as the spine. Athletes in particular find significant benefits with this type of adjusting. Extremity Adjusting can restore and enhance joint function, which can increase the life of a joint and keep wear and tear to a minimum.
Benjamin Franklin had it right: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Cure."
SOT or Sacro Occipital Technique is a method of chiropractic care that identifies the cause of symptoms in the body and help to prevent future problems. SOT is known to correct abnormal spinal mechanics including back pain, headaches, arm and leg pain, dizziness and other problems associated with nerves. Patients unable to tolerate heavier force chiropractic techniques respond very well to SOT.
Lasting results can be obtained in a short period of time. Many patients will feel well very quickly, however, with the holistic diagnostic methods used in SOT, problems in the body can be found before they begin to cause pain. It is an advantage to the patient to continue on a treatment plan which can detect these problems before they are a truly painful condition.
The Sacro Occipital Research Society International, Inc. states:
SOT is composed of highly accurate and effective clinical procedures. SOT offers chiropractors the insights of DR. M.B. DeJarnette, one of the most brilliant chiropractic clinical researchers, one of the first Diplomates in Radiology and one of the founders of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Dr. Major B. DeJarnette spent most of his life conducting clinical investigation into what works in chiropractic and what makes chiropractic work. Many of the experiments he first tried on himself so that he was aware of the results firsthand. He also recruited others to be patients while he tested the procedures. By means of these repeated, peer- reviewed tests, he determined the true nature of the spinal subluxation and how it could most efficiently be corrected.
SOT doctors may use other chiropractic techniques during treatment, as SOT integrates easily with other chiropractic procedures.
Massage Therapy
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is the most commonly offered and best-known type of massage. If it's you're first time Swedish massage is the perfect place to start. During Swedish massage, massage therapists use massage oils to facilitate smooth, gliding strokes over the entire body. Other classic Swedish massage moves include kneading, friction, stretching and sometimes tapping. Swedish massage uses a firms but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits. Feel free to state your preference during Swedish massage. It can range from light to firm. Swedish massage usually includes some deeper work on areas of specific muscle tension. If you want intensive work and firmer pressure, get a deep tissue massage.
Myofascial Release
MFR targets the connective tissue called fascia. Fascia is a membrane that surrounds the muscles. These fibrous tissues establish interconnections of the muscles with other parts of the body like tendons, joints, bones, blood supply, and organs. Due to injury or illness these fascial tissues can become dense, tight, and sore. MFR can loosen these tissues, increase blood supply and stretch the fascial tissue which will increase motion and lessen discomfort. MFR is done by stretching the tissue easily along the length of the muscle then held for one to several minutes, allowing the fascia to stretch and become more pliable.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.
Ear Candling
Ear Candling can be done when a person is experiencing fluid in the ears, excessive ear wax build up, sinus congestion, headaches or dizziness. It can be done as often as the person feels it necessary. Two candles per ear is a recommended number for most people. During the ear candling session you will not feel anything, but the candle being lightly inserted in your ear opening. The therapist will then place a paper plate around the candle and will light the candle to pull out the ear wax. The candle creates a vacuum effect that pulls the ear wax from the ear. You may hear some cracking and popping when ear wax is being pulled. After the session you may feel a lightness in your head and noises may be louder than before. You may find this sounds like someone turned up the volume control on your hearing. If you feel warmth or itching in the ears, hydrogen peroxide in the ears for a day or two after the candling session will relive this.
Chiropractic care has proven itself in countless studies to be safe and effective in relieving back and neck pain and restoring normal joint motion. Over the past 20 years, many controlled and independent research studies have repeatedly shown that chiropractic care is safe and effective for treating low back pain, neck pain, headaches and other conditions relating to the spine. Based on these scientific studies, the consensus is that chiropractic care is the treatment of choice for most spinal problems. The extent to which a person can benefit from care varies depending on their specific problem and how long it has existed.
Regular chiropractic care offers a natural approach to maintain good health and prevent injury or illness. Chiropractic care is proven to be safe and effective and is tailored to each patient's age, condition and health needs.
Chiropractic care is effective at any age and any body type. From very physical jobs to very stressful jobs or just playing around, anybody can benefit from regular care to optimize their health and well being. But pain relief isn't limited to the spine. Our doctors are trained to work on any joint in the body, including hands, wrists, elbows, jaws, feet, and knees.
An adjustment is one of the safest procedures that can be done by any health care practitioner. There is no surgery, no drugs, no side effects other than a restoration of joint motion and an improvement in health and well being.
An adjustment involves using a very specific motion to break free the joint immobility of the spinal segments and is the main method of treatment used by your chiropractor. It is a specialized, controlled with a safe pressure that is applied to your spine to restore the proper motion and position of your vertebrae. It has taken many years and many generations of practitioners to perfect these techniques to provide you with the adjusting skills of your current doctor.
No health care procedure is completely without risk. However, chiropractic enjoys the lowest injury rates of any health care system.
A subluxation is an abnormal alignment of the vertebra of your spine. It normally involves several vertebrae together where the normal motion or position between the joints has been strained or lost. It can develop subtly or it can be very acute and painful, depending on what underlying nerves are involved and at what level of the spine the loss of motion has occurred.
Subluxations can develop from many stresses and strains of everyday life. Things like being overly tired, or emotionally stressed can take a toll on your body. Repetitive motions, poor posture, falls, strains, sprains, accidents, and improper lifting techniques can cause chronic strain to your muscles and ligaments and result in chronic stiffness, pain and subluxation.
Many people think that the pain will eventually go away, and many times it seems to, only to reoccur elsewhere along the spine as the body tries to balance out its abnormal biomechanical burden. People will believe that getting stiff is a normal part of aging, but it doesn't have to be. Normal joint motion can be restored through manipulation, and the pain, spasm and loss of motion alleviated as the spine is brought back into its true alignment and joint function returns.
Your doctor will take a thorough health history from you, including a specific review of your chief problem.
Your doctor will perform orthopedic and neurological tests to further isolate your problem, along with a specialized chiropractic biomechanical evaluation. X-rays or advanced imaging may be needed to confirm what the problem is and to determine the degree of severity.
You will be told what the problem is and what treatment options would be best for you. If your problem is not going to be solved by chiropractic, you will be referred to a more appropriate health care provider.
Your doctor will give you a prognosis for your condition and give you a reasonable estimate on the length of time it will take you to recover. Your improvement will be closely monitored by your doctor, and ways to avoid this problem in the future will be given to you.
You may have therapy following the adjustment. Therapy may involve massage, ultrasound, electric modalities, or acupuncture depending on your condition.
Two of the foundations of chiropractic care are the prevention of postural strain to prevent spinal injuries, and the improvement of overall health. You will be given information on exercise, nutrition, work environment, and lifestyle choices to improve and maintain a healthier body.
The primary goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to improve spinal motion at the individual joint level, and realign the spinal segments to enable them to carry their proper biomechanical load, thereby relieving nerve irritation, pressure, and pain.
You may feel immediate improvement after an adjustment, although most people experience gradual, progressive relief of symptoms. Since adjustments restore motion to previously locked joints, ligaments and tendons begin to stretch back to their normal length. This lengthening may cause slight muscle soreness similar to that brought on by rigorous exercise. If you experience these sensations, be assured that they are temporary and are the side effects of newly restored spinal motion. For the best results, follow the plan that your doctor of chiropractic recommends for you.
The number of visits you make to your chiropractor depends on the nature of your condition and your personal goals. Many people use chiropractic as part of a wellness routine, scheduling chiropractic appointments on a regular basis to keep their bodies functioning at their best. Others seek care and treatment for specific conditions for pain relief only. It is important for you to communicate your goals to your chiropractor in order to develop a treatment plan that works best for you.
Keep in mind, healing rates vary from person to person. Children tend to respond very quickly to treatment, while adults and seniors may respond more slowly. A good rule of thumb is that the longer you have had the problem, the more care will be needed to achieve your desired results.
Today's Doctor of Chiropractic is a highly educated health care profession. Applicants must complete undergraduate work before admission, then face a very vigorous 4,500 hours in a chiropractic college. The process usually involves a minimum of seven years of study.
The primary educational emphasis involves organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics, human anatomy, physiology, and pathology. This is followed by clinical studies in differential diagnosis, imaging techniques, lab analysis, neurology and orthopedics. Also studied are the philosophy and art of various Chiropractic techniques, and reinforced with many hours of clinical practice.
Throughout this time, students must pass four levels of National Board exams and state board exams before beginning their practice.